Tired of the crazy long hours in recruitment?
Author: IntaPeople | Date published: 18/11/19

It doesn’t have to be this way. Despite the industry norms, that recruiters must be chained to their desk or phone for 8 hours a day (or more), we’re bucking the trend, taking flexible working from an idea to reality.
The workplace is changing. Employees in all industries are looking for flexible working options to maintain a healthy work-life balance and the recruitment industry is no different.
Why is a healthy work-life balance important for recruiters?
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance reduces stress and consequently makes you more productive. Employees who believe they have good work-life balance work 21% harder than those who don’t, which in the recruitment industry means more placements and more commission!
Working in recruitment can be stressful, sometimes it can be really challenging managing both client and candidate expectations, dealing with knock backs or dropouts and it isn’t a career for everyone. This is why we believe supporting a healthy work-life balance for all staff, particularly recruiters, is vital.
2/3 workers would like to work flexibly in a way that is not currently available. Does your employer allow you to work the hours you choose?
More hours = better results; heard that before?
Having been in the recruitment industry for 25 years we have seen the impact long hours can have on recruiters. Yes, sometimes it’s required to get the job done and can lead to increased results in the short-term but in the long-term it isn’t feasible to maintain a healthy work-life balance. We know there is a smarter way of working; work more efficiently rather than more hours.
In our office more than half of our employees have children (or babies on the way) and everyone has other commitments like partners, families, interests and hobbies. We enjoy our work and put in the effort required to achieve results, but this is not at the expense of having a life outside of work that is equally, if not more important at times.
How to work smarter in recruitment
We have found that investment in the latest technology, alongside ongoing training and development has allowed our team to work smarter, achieving the same results without having to compromise on a personal life.
Gone are the days when individuals worked on their own and squirrelled away top candidates in a hidden spreadsheet, we have found collaboration is a key ingredient to success as a recruiter. Working as a team we actively encourage everyone to share best practices, things that work well and things that don’t so everyone can improve and work more efficiently.
Flexible working in recruitment; from idea to reality
We have always offered a variety of flexible options, including free reign to use your holidays how and when you choose, duvet days and time off for appointments or unexpected emergencies e.g. your car breaks down or you need to wait for a plumber etc. however this didn’t satisfy our team’s growing need for a healthier work-life balance.
We are always listening to our employees, encouraging feedback and suggestions with a view to improve our working environment and consequently improve staff engagement and retention. The opportunity to control their working hours was a popular request so we’ve rolled out flexible working to all staff, recruiters included.
Our consultants are trusted to start and finish at times that suit them. Those who want extra time in the evening to take their kids to football training can finish earlier, those who want a lie in or to dodge the morning commute can start later, those who want to do different things on different days of the week have the flexibility to do so.
Flexible hours = better results
Many recruitment bosses believe you must be in the office at set times, hammering the phones to achieve, sound familiar? We have found that this isn’t the case, allowing freedom and flexibility has made our team happier and more productive. Profits have increased and most importantly employee engagement and wellbeing are at an all-time high.
As a business we are emphasising the importance of our team as they are at the core of what we do for our clients and candidates. We are adapting to the modern worker while improving our service. Flexible working is a small part of our employee engagement strategy and we have several other initiatives for the near future.
If you want to be part of our growing team, working somewhere you will be trusted and treated like an adult get in touch.
Email wearehiring@intapeople.com or check out our careers page. We are always keen to have a confidential conversation with experienced recruiters looking to take that next step in their career.