Putting the people into IntaPeople

At IntaPeople we’ve built up a fantastic and supportive community of recruiters who have autonomy, accountability, ongoing support and amazing progression opportunities. Most of all we laugh, joke and ride the rough times…together!


We could spend ages telling you why IntaPeople is a great place to work but why not let our fab team tell you themselves! You’ll get the chance to meet some of our team and find out more about why they enjoy working at IntaPeople. Look out for #MeetTheTeam posts on our socials or learn more about working for IntaPeople right now:


Putting the people into IntaPeople

1. What’s something you’re proud of? My son, hands down

2. What’s your favourite food? Caribbean, Jamaican plantain, curried goat, rice & peas! Yum

3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A fashion designer, I loved art and enjoyed designing clothes

4. What’s your idea of a perfect day? A picnic by the sea in the sunshine 😊

5. Have you ever met anyone famous? Noel Gallagher and Nicholas Cage when I worked at Harvey Nics

6. What makes IntaPeople different to anywhere else you have worked? The Managers trust me, they are all lovely and extremely supportive. Nothing has ever been too much from the moment I joined


Putting the people into IntaPeople

1.  What attracted me to IntaPeople I was attracted to IntaPeople because of the supportive culture and friendly team.

2. Do you like travelling? I love travelling and seeing the world, learning new information, trying new food and exploring whilst catching a lush tan.

3. What three items would you take with you to a deserted island? I would take sweets, my eyelash curler and phone

4. What’s the most exciting part of your job? I find supporting and getting to know candidates throughout the recruitment process the most exciting part. From start to finish, I love supporting others and seeing them happy at the end.

5. What’s one thing you’re really good at? Eating my way through my fridge and cupboards as well as giving good positive advice 😊

6. What’s your favourite season? My favourite season will have to be December, because it’s filled with presents, food and family time. I am also a Christmas Eve birthday girl, so do love a present.


Putting the people into IntaPeople

1. What sort of duties do you have at work? Except for the usual recruitment goddess duties, I’m nominated social sec, conversation starter, entertainer, B Corporation go-getter, recycling officer and general nosey parker

2. What’s the best concert you’ve been to? Well, it’s gotta be the big one…Glastonbury!! Is there a better place on earth??

3. Are you a sports fan? Who are your favourite teams? So I’m a fairly new fan to F1 but I’m pretty obsessed. McLaren is my chosen team (Lando is my fav driver) though I do have a soft spot for Charles Leclerc ❤

4. Are you a morning person or a night owl? I’m neither, I come alive in the afternoon 2-4 is where I find I’m most productive. That goes for work, exercise, cleaning, everything. I’m a middle of the day person

5. What’s your idea of a perfect day? Waking up in my camper van, parked up next to the sea, sun shining, kettle on and a beautiful day of paddleboarding and sunbathing ahead of me. Finished off with a BBQ on the beach, burgers, a full block of halloumi, some veggies with a few drinks. Bliss!

6. Why would you recommend anyone joining IntaPeople? You’re encouraged to be your own kind of recruiter. You have the freedom to manage your own time, but the guidance is there if you need it. The team make Intapeople a great place to work. Everyone is working towards the same goal, don’t get me wrong, there’s a healthy amount of internal competition but we work together. If one of us succeeds, we all succeed and then we celebrate!


Putting the people into IntaPeople

1. What’s something you’re proud of? Being the first immediate family member to obtain a degree

2. What’s your favourite food?Medium rare steak

3. What’s one thing you’re really bad at? Timekeeping

4. Who do you look up to within the company? Rich because he’s 6”4

5. Do you like travelling? Yes, I plan on travelling to as many places as possible

6. Why did you choose IntaPeople to start your career in recruitment? I didn’t, IntaPeople chose me. Remember, the wand chooses the wizard!


Putting the people into IntaPeople

1. What was your first paying job? I worked the deli counter of a South African shop, afterschool and weekends for £3.50 an hour

2. Can you speak more than one language? I am natively from Mallorca but have an English mother, therefore I can speak Spanish, Catalan, and English. I also used to be able to speak French but haven’t done so in years, so I am a bit rusty

3. What’s the best concert you’ve been to? Frankie Stew and Harvey Gunn at Concorde 2 in Brighton was incredible.

4. What’s your favourite movie? Snatch, and pretty much anything else directed by Guy Ritchie

5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Definitely an extrovert, can’t stand being on my own

6. What do you like most about working for IntaPeople? The rest of the staff and the absolute VIBEZ