David vs. Goliath; why the biggest recruitment agencies aren’t always the right choice
Author: IntaPeople | Date published: 24/04/16

There are over 20,000 recruitment agencies in the UK ranging from small start-ups to multinationals, but when it comes to choosing a recruitment partner bigger doesn’t always mean better.
IntaPeople is a specialist recruitment company with genuine and long-standing experience in the IT, technical and engineering sectors. Established in 1994, we have continued to expand our professional team and now have 40 dedicated members of staff.
While some of our clients work with us on an exclusive basis we also work with many clients as part of their preferred supplier list (PSL). In these cases we are competing against other agencies to source the best candidates for the role.
Last year we were asked to work on a significant recruitment drive for one of the largest companies in Wales, as part of their PSL. This was alongside a multinational recruitment agency with thousands of employees.
As part of this recruitment drive we were tasked with finding highly-skilled technical professionals for a range of contract positions. We successfully filled 90% of the roles compared to the multinational agency who only filled 10% of the vacancies.
What makes a specialist recruitment agency different?
Industry knowledge
Established in 1994 we have extensive industry knowledge. All our consultants are trained to be experts in their field. This enables us to offer honest advice and guidance on industry trends and market values, which sets us apart from our competitors.
Candidate networks
Our consultants have an extensive network of relevant contacts within their specialist sector. Relationships based on trust and respect allow us to source high quality, passive candidates who would not be available elsewhere.
We are able to assign resources to projects as and when they are required to ensure successful delivery.
Due to our extensive industry knowledge and flexibility we are able to source quality candidates quickly and efficiently. Depending on the requirements we are able to send pre-vetted CVs sometimes within just a few hours.
Technical understanding
For technical vacancies, understanding the role is vital to finding the right candidate. Our consultants have expert knowledge which means we can technically evaluate potential candidates for their suitability, sending through only the best CVs. This in turn saves you time as won’t have to review candidates who don’t have the required level of understanding.
As a recruitment agency we definitely aren’t the biggest but we believe we are one of the best, and our clients seem to agree. We have outperformed large multinational agencies time and time again sourcing professional technical candidates quickly and efficiently.
We offer a flexible, reliable and innovative recruitment service centred on meeting the needs of your business. If you need help growing your team or are reviewing your PSL please get in touch.