Common interview questions
Author: IntaPeople | Date published: 03/08/20

By preparing answers to typical interview questions you will feel more confident, and be able to deliver prompt and precise responses. Here are some typical questions you may be asked in an interview.
Company-based questions
– What do you know about our company?
– What interests you about our company’s products/services?
– Why would you like to work for us?
– What attracted you to this particular position?
– What qualities do you think you could bring to our business?
Career-based questions
– Why did you choose a career in [……………]?
– What qualifications do you possess?
– What were your responsibilities in your last role?
– Why are you looking to leave your current job/why did you leave your last job?
– What have you learned from the previous jobs you have had?
– Is there any training you are looking to undertake in the near future?
– How many sick days have you taken in the past year?
– Are you willing to be flexible in your work hours?
– How good are you at prioritising your workload?
– Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
– What are your salary requirements?
Competency-based questions
– Tell us about the biggest change that you have had to deal with. How did you cope with it?
– Describe a situation where you had to explain something complex to a colleague or a client. Which problems did you encounter and how did you deal with them?
– Tell us about your biggest failure. How did you recover and what have you learnt from that incident?
– Describe a situation in which you were a member of team. What did you do to positively contribute to it?
– What are your main strengths and weaknesses?
– What have you done in your career that shows initiative?
Personality-based questions
– What are your hobbies?
– How would you describe yourself in three words?
– Is it easy for you to get to our office?
– How do you evaluate success?
– Are you willing to relocate?
– What style of management do you prefer?
– What kind of job are you looking for?
– Do you have any questions?